Installing a license
Common use
A license is installed on the computer on which the application runs (Engarde, DiapoEngarde, ShowPiste). The license is installed with Engarde by the "Keys | Install a key" menu, giving the username and the purchase code obtained during the purchase.
An "EngardeBasic" license allows you running Engarde in Basic mode on a single computer, with several possible sessions (Engarde can be launched several times to manage several competitions).
An "EngardePro" license allows you running Engarde in Pro mode, or DiapoEngarde, or ShowPiste on a single computer, with several possible sessions (the applications can be launched several times to manage several competitions).
An "Display" license allows you running DiapoEngarde, or ShowPiste on a single computer, with several possible sessions (the applications can be launched several times to manage several competitions).
Special use with license distribution
It is possible to have a license "EngardePro" and licenses "Display" or several licenses "EngardePro" on a computer. In this case, the first Engarde or DiapoEngarde application launched on this computer can distribute licenses for Engarde, DiapoEngarde and ShowPiste to other computers on the local network. On these computers, you have to do "Mode | Set PRO Mode" to ask for a license.
Key table
The "Keys | See the keys" menu allows you to see the keys installed on the computer with their status (valid, outdated, bad key).
It is important to have a correct date and time on the computer. In the case of an incorrect date, licenses can stop functioning. The "Keys | See the keys" menu allows to see the reference date of Engarde. Normally, it is identical to the computer date. When this is not the case, a change of the date has been done on the computer. In that case, it is recommended to set the correct date on the computer and to perform a synchronization (menu of the window of the keys) to have a verification of the date on the Web.
The licenses are placed in keys which are automatically installed on the computer with the menu "Keys | Install a key". A key contains pieces of information of the computer on which "Keys | Install a key" has been performed; it cannot be moved to another computer except with the license distribution mechanism described above.