Update of Engarde 10
Last version : Engarde 10.26.6 of January 30, 2024
See the new features on the History of versions.
If you have not already installed Engarde 10, make an installation
To update Engarde 10:
Download the Engarde update
Unzip the archive and place the new applications (having a different name) in SystemeEngarde10.
if you NEVER use the context of the FFE (Fédération Française d’Escrime), delete the contexte_ffe.txt file in the Ressources1 directory.
Launch the new Engarde10.nn.exe application to update the data files and to create the “Old-applications” directory if it does not already exist.
Move the erlier versions of the applications to the “Old-applications” directory.
Once installed, a license key cannot be reinstalled or transferred to another computer.
Backup your license to avoid losing it in case of a problem on your computer.