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  • What changed in the new Engarde Escrime website?
    You will have access to the same information as before and more! We've redesigned the Engarde website to improve our users' experience and to become consistent with the ST37 brand. New Help Center A redesigned website Better user experience Improved information structure Enhanced technology You can now find all manuals, tutorials, FAQs and documentation in the "Help Center" tab. We strive to update the answers to the most frequently asked questions. For quicker results, please check the Help Center first. If you do not find the answer you're searching for, don't hesitate to contact us. We are constantly working to improve our products and your experience. Stay tuned for new releases.
  • Where can I buy a license?
    Go to our online store to buy immediately, by credit card. Or If you have a special requirement, please contact us on for advice or an estimation.
  • How to know my Customer ID and Access Key?
    When you buy an Engarde license, you need to create an account. The license will be attached to this email registered. After the payment, you will receive an automatic confirmation email with your invoice and the license information. - Invoice - Customer ID : Access email - Purchase code : Access key
  • Where do I find my Invoice?
    When you buy an Engarde license, you need to create an account with your email. After the payment, you will receive an automatic confirmation email with your invoice and the license information.
  • How do I install engarde?
    Download latest version of Engarde: Unzip the archive to a location of your choice. You get an ENGARDE10 directory. Engarde is ready for use. You can launch it by double clicking on the Engarde10.nn.exe application. To install a license, launch Engarde and choose "Keys | Install a key" · Make sure, if possible, that you do not have an ENGARDE10 directory inside another ENGARDE10 directory. · If you NEVER use the context of the FFE (Fédération Française d’Escrime), it is suggested to delete the file contexte_ffe.txt of the Ressources1 directory.
  • How do I personalize my account ?
    Logo: Channel banner: In this section you can change the Banner of your Channel. As you upload banners, they become available in your banner collection. MINI BANNER : The Mini Banner is the image with which you can identify the channel of your organism in the channel list.
  • When does a license start and end?
    For the EngardePro and EngardeBasic, the starting date is the purchase date of the license, it ends after the duration of the license starting from the purchase date. For the Display licenses, the starting date is choosen at the installation of the Display key (see Installation of a key)
  • I have lost my PC, I have been the victim of theft, my PC has suffered irreparable damage, or I have been the victim of a virus. Can I get my license back?
    Unfortunately, it is not possible to recover your license. An Engarde license is installed on a specific computer with a unique key, and it cannot be copied or transferred to another computer. We recommend taking precautions to safeguard your computer and license to prevent such situations in the future. If you require a new license, you will need to purchase one for your replacement or repaired computer.
  • How to backup my license key?
    Once the key installed, a mycode.cle file is created in the Ressources1/Cles/ directory of Engarde. Just copy this file and store it safely. To reinstall the licenses after a problem with your computer, just paste the file in the new Ressources1/Cles/ directory of Engarde. This backup only works on the same PC that has the problem. It does not work to move the licence from one pc to another.
  • Can I use an EngardePro License to run DiapoEngarde or ShowPiste?
    Yes, the Engarde Pro licenses grants the choice between Engarde, DiapoEngarde or ShowPiste for each start. A single license allows one single launch of Engarde, DiapoEngarde or ShowPiste.
  • Can I transfer a License for another computer?
    No. An Engarde license is installed on a computer with a key and it cannot be copied or transfered to another computer.
  • Can I activate a new license in an old version of Engarde?
    No, it’s not possible to enter a license key in an old version. The new licenses will always work in the latest version of the system.
  • Where can I find my license Key?
    The keys are placed in the “Ressources1\Cles” directory.
  • I updated my software, how can I use the license I already had?
    If your license is still valid, you can move the erlier versions of the applications to the “Old-applications” directory, and your license will work normally.
  • I have downloaded the new version of Engarde and I have deleted all the files of the previous versions, how can I activate my previous license ?
    If your license is still valid, you must recover the file in the trash of your computer and move the old versions of the applications in the directory "Old-applications", and your license will work normally. If the recovery of the old files is not possible, the license cannot be reactivated.
  • What is included in the Mini License?
    1 License runs 1 application Manage until 40 players Manage players, referees, poules and tableaux Manage individual or team competitions Manage several competitions at the same time Advanced assignment of referees to poules and tableaux
  • What is included in the Basic License?
    1 License runs 1 application Manage players, referees, poules and tableaux Manage individual or team competitions Manage several competitions at the same time Advanced assignment of referees to poules and tableaux Import/export XML, FFF, Textes files Results automatically on Engarde Service
  • What is included in the Pro License?
    1 License runs 2 applications Manage players, referees, poules and tableaux Manage individual or team competitions Manage several competitions at the same time Advanced assignment of referees to poules and tableaux Import/export XML, FFF, Textes files Results automatically on Engarde Service Connection to ShowPiste - display your pistes Connection to DiapoEngarde - display your competitions Assignment of referees by 1/4 in the tables Connection to piste devices to automatically receive scores Banners and footers for documents Gathering all the documents of the competition
  • What is included in the Display License?
    Auxiliar application, need to be used with a Pro license Connection to ShowPiste - display your pistes Connection to DiapoEngarde - display your competitions Connection to piste devices to automatically receive scores Overlays for Video Streaming Display of banners
  • What formulas are proposed?
    When you start a competition, by selecting "Formula" you get a first list of available formulas. These are the most frequent formulas: Classic formula with or without the match for the 3rd place Formula with incomplete tableau Formula for World Cup - Senior Formula for World Cup - Junior Other, an other formula that can be defined using the functions of the "Formula" window.
  • Can I add a repechage?
    Yes in the "Formula" window, click on "Load a formula", then choose load a fomula in english, in the list you can choose a formula with repechage.
  • I would like to set two rounds of poules and both rounds to be calculated for the ranking to the tableau, how should I do ?
    In the formula window, you can edit the parameters of poules and click on the modifiy button on the right. There is two parameters that can be set : "numbers of round for qualification" and "number of rounds for ranking". If you use "Qualification at the end of the poules on 1 round" with "Ranking at the end of the poules on 2 rounds", only the last round of poules will be used to determine if a fencer is qualified or not to enter the tableau (the two rounds will be used for the ranking to the tableau). If you use "Qualification at the end of the poules on 2 rounds" with "Ranking at the end of the poules on 2 rounds", the two rounds will be used also to determine if a fencer is qualified or not to enter the tableau (the two rounds will be used for the ranking to the tableau).
  • The formula that I plan is not in the list of available formulas what can I do?
    You can edit your own formula, please contact us in this case so we can support you
  • Can I allocate referees by quarter or half of the tableau?
    Yes you can easily choose the allocation by quarter or half of a tableau. You can also allocate a referee on several quarters if needed.
  • What is the difference between "yes" or "if possible" options?
    The "yes" option is more restrictive for Engarde. So it is better when there is no strict constraint to choose "if possible"
  • What apparatus do work with Engarde ?
    Most of the current apparatuses work well with Engarde (ALLSTAR,Favero,Marciano) using an ethernet connection ethernet with the Cyrano protocol or with a serial connection.
  • What is DiapoEngarde?
    DiapoEngarde is a computer program which displays on screens the results of a competition managed with Engarde. DiapoEngarde produces an image on the computer which must be transferred to the screen concerned. It is possible to transfer the image to several screens. In that case, all these screens display the same image.
  • What is the window poule for?
    This window allows the entry of the piste, the referees and the results of the poules. Entry or modification of the results of a poule is only permitted during the round of poules that the poule was in. Entry or modification of the referees is always possible.
  • How do I create a Poule?
    Poules are created (button "create the poules" or control menu from the "poules" window) at the start of the competition using the fencers who are present, or after a round using the fencers who qualified from the round and exempt fencers entering at that point. The poules are created following the formula that had most recently been selected. The formula can be modified at the point of creating the poules (ENGARDE presents the main parameters and allows them to be modified).
  • How can I modify a poule?
    You can modify the poules manually, in the menu poules --> control --> modify pools. You can select a fencer from one poule and move him/her to the other poule.
  • How do I create a XML file?
  • I am a competition organizer, how can I use the new Engarde website?
    All the information to register your organization, use and configuration of your channel can be found at the following link If you created an organism in the old version of Engarde Service you can use it in this new version of the site.
  • Can I use the same account ad before?
    Yes, if you already have an account, you can continue using the same credentials.
  • Do I loose my history?
    No, if you already have an account your historical of competitions will remain in your account.
  • What's new on the new Engarde Service website?
    All the new features of the new site can be found in detail by following this link
  • What can I do if I forget my password?
    Click on the "Forgotten password ?" button, Then type the login of your organism or your email address, a new password will be sent to you automatically.
  • Where can i edit my information?
    Go to “my account” using your user name and there you will be able to edit the details of your organism.
  • How can I change the logo?
    -Click on the logo. -Click on “select file” to locate the image on your PC that you want to place as a logo. -Click to publish or update the image.
  • How can I change the banner?
    - Click on the logo. - Click on “select file” to locate the image on your PC that you want to place as a logo. - Click to publish or update the image.
  • How can I change the mini banner?
    - Click on the logo. - Click on “select file” to locate the image on your PC that you want to place as a logo. - Click to publish or update the image.
  • Where can I create a new tournament?
    On the tournaments and competitions section, click on the “new tournament” button, Enter all the information on the form, Click on the “CREATE A TOURNAMENT” button and your tournament will be created and in the tournament list of your channel.
  • Where can I edit and delete a tournament?
    Click on the tournament to access the configuration of your competitions, there you can find the option to edit the banner, the tournament, delete the tournament or create a new competition.
  • Where can I create a new competition?
    Choose the tournament in which you will create a new competition, there you click on “NEW COMPETITION” the window where you have to enter all the information about the competition will appear. After completing the form click on the button “CREATE A COMPETITION”.
  • Can I delete a created tournament or competition?
    Yes, to edit or delete a created competency select and click on the buttons located on the right side of the competency where you want to make changes.
  • How can i connect my competition to engarde service?
    In the software Engarde, Open the competition you want to publish, Before making the connection go to web panel menu, Click in Web panel (HTTP parameters), there place: - The name of the organism - The organism password - The name of the tournament - The name of the competition IMPORTANT: All these data must be previously created in Engarde Service. Finally, press the “connection” button. you will automatically see how the software and the engarde service platform are synchronized showing all the updates of the created competitors.
  • Where can I find the Engarde documents?
    You can find all the documents on Help Center > Documentation:
  • How do I enter an open competition?
    To register for an open competition follow the steps in the following article PRE-REGISTRATION MANUAL FOR FENCERS
  • I want to enter a list of athletes in my organism, how do I do it?
    To do so, follow the steps in the following article ATHLETE'S AFFILIATION WITH AN ORGANISM MANUAL
  • I am organizing a tournament, how can I add my affiliated athletes to the competitions?
    Follow the instructions in this article INCLUSION OF AFFILIATED ATHLETES IN A COMPETITION
  • How can I create my individual account in Engarde Service?
    All the steps to create your individual account in Engarde Service can be found in this article. Individual Accounts in Engarde Service
  • I am a tournament organizer, can I create competitions with pre-registrations open to the public?
    Yes, to create competitions open to the public we recommend you to read the following article. MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC COMPETITIONS
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