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End of the competition

Final ranking


To display or print the final ranking, use the "Report" menu in the main menu of the application, then choose "Ranking...".
A window "General Ranking" appears.

End of the competition in Engarde Software

Click then on "Ok" and the report appears. You can then print it and share it.

End of the competition in Engarde Software

Exporting the results


You can store thecompetition in your competition directory to open it later with Engarde.
You can also forward the competition to anyone who owns an Engarde license by archiving its   directory.

To communicate all the results of the competition, especially for the FIE, you can export an         XML  file with all the data of the competition.
To export in xml format use "File" puis "XML transfer file".

End of the competition in Engarde Software
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